About Me

Hello! I am Raghav.

I am an aspiring biomedical engineer, keen to pursue research as a career. I am passionate about creating and helping in the development of affordable products that will improve people's lives. I am curious, driven, creative, and ready to learn more about the field. I have knowledge in many lab techniques, data analysis, and am able to collaborate well in teams. I am quick to pick up new methods and topics and am not afraid to communicate my worries or doubts. Outside of studying, I love to play basketball, lift weights, and solves any puzzles (currently trying to solve the mirror cube).


    St. Paul's Hospital
    Research Assistant at Cardiac CT Core Lab
    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    May 2023 - Present

    I work with Dr. Philipp Blanke to analyze cardiac CT scans for multicenter aortic and mitral valve replacement trials.

    UBC Biomedical Engineering Student Team (BEST)
    Student Researcher on the Biochemical Innovation Team (BIT)
    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    October 2022 - Present

    At BIT, we are working with the Johnson Lab at the Life Sciences Institute to find a low-cost alternative to decrease insulin resistance.

    Fresenius Kabi Oncology Limited
    Intern at the Analytical Development Department
    Gurugram, Haryana, India
    July 2022 - August 2022

    During my internship at FKOL, I was able to learn about the standard operating procedures of laboratory instruments such as high/ultra pressure liquid chromatographs, Karl Fischer titrators, liquid particle counters, charged aerosol detectors, pH meters, and UV spectrophotometers. Using these instruments I was able to carry out a variety of experiments to test the market readiness/efficacy of multiple generic injectable drugs. Throughout the process, I use excel formulas and functions to optimize the processed data and comparison sheets that were being produced, to make it easier to analyse the reactions carried out with the drugs.


    All India Institute of Medical Sciences
    Shadow Under Researchers
    New Delhi, Delhi, India
    July 2021 - August 2021

    I had the opportunity to shadow under the PhD students in the gastroenterology and pharmacology departments at AIIMS and learn about multiple concepts, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), animal testing, cell culture lines and nanoformulation. I also had the opportunity to operate the centrifuge and conduct electrophoresis, using the blotting tank to aid in the testing of different protein molecules.

Projects and Coursework

    Investigation on the Preparations and Methods that Affect Flow Cytometry
    (Technical Communication for Biomedical Engineers)
    January 2022 - April 2022

    I worked in a group of 4 to identify relevant techniques that would productively improve flow cytometry and its accuracy. We cited multiple sources and described the methods they used to test the effectiveness of fluorescent staining and the use of targeted microbubbles. As a group, we also made a poster summarising the report and presented in front of an audience of about 25 people.

    (This poster does not display well on mobile devices)


    Designed a New Generation Implant for Distal Femur Fractures
    (Biomechanics I)
    September 2021 - December 2021

    I worked in a team of 6 to research, and create a new design for, an implant for distal femur fractures. We were given a scenario where an older lady had suffered a transverse comminuted distal femoral fracture on the same leg as a unicondylar knee replacement. We researched what problems currently occur in an implant, and what is required from the post-operative procedures. We wrote a report on our research and created a brochure of our design.


    Engineered a Signalling Gradient by Guided Self-Organized Cell Populations
    (Introduction to Biomedical Engineering)
    January 2021 - April 2021

    I worked in a team of 4 to work on a scenario given to us in this course. We were asked to get the tissue to self-organize to grow a circular geometry of cell A in the centre and a ring around this circle with cell B. We used several signalling processes to help this occur and discussed potential cell types for cells A and B.


    Literature Review on the Influence of Device Usage on Physical Health
    (Writing and Research in the Disciplines)
    September 2020 - December 2020

    For the final project for this, course I conducted a mini-literature review to find how device usage affects physical health, mainly in adolescents. I conducted a systematic search on 6 databases ((JSTOR, ProQuest, Biomedicalcentral (BMC), SpringerLink, National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and ClinicalKey), to find articles that were related to my research question, and conducted a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the articles to find a correlation, and possibly causation, between device usage, and physical health.


    Investigation on the Effectiveness of Different Cough Solution
    (International Baccalaureate)
    May 2020

    For my Extended Essay project, I conducted experiments on different cough remedies to test which ones produced the most effective expectorant results. I made an artificial mucus solution through independent research (though it wasn't fully accurate), and tested the viscosity of the solution mixed with the remedies. I analyzed the data's significance using single-factor ANOVA analysis. I also reviewed (through secondary data) the antitussive properties of each remedy. I worked with a supervisor, organizing regular meetings with them, and keeping them up-to-date with my experimentation throughout the process.


    Tested Gibbs Free Energy in a Voltaic Cell with Different Electrolyte Concentration
    (International Baccalaureate)
    May 2020

    For my chemistry Internal Assessment, I conducted experiments on the Copper-Zinc voltaic cell (Daniell cell). I tested how the electrolyte concentrations in the cell affected the voltage, and thus the Gibbs free energy (through the Nernst equation). I used many laboratory tools, such as a Burette, pipette, micropipette, volumetric flask, and electronic mass balance to precisely create a stock solution and differing concentrations of electrolyte solutions. I also learned how to calculate the percentage uncertainties of my measurements, and create risk assessments of the chemicals I was using. On top of this, it was fascinating to dive deeper into voltaic cells and find ways they could be improved.


    Examined how the Salinity of the Avicennia leaves are affected by distance from the ground
    (International Baccalaureate)
    May 2020

    For my biology Internal Assessment, I travelled to Sedili Besar, Malaysia, and tested on the Avicennia leaves in the mangroves. Avicennia leaves excrete excess salt from their leaf surfaces and only have a partial exclusion of salt from the roots. I tested how the height of the leaf affected its salinity content. I learnt how to use a conductivity probe, and present my findings in excel and word. Additionally, during the trip, I learned a lot about the importance of the conservation of the rainforests and mangroves, and how palm oil plantations affected this.


    Standard Chartered: Cleaner and Painter

    I had the opportunity to volunteer for Standard Chartered to help a low-income family with their housing situation. As a team, we cleaned and reorganized the family's entire house and repainted the walls to their desired colours. We were also able to supply the family with new furniture, as we noticed their tables and beds were not in great condition.

    Thomas House: Volunteer

    I went to Thomas House in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and planned events, taught lessons to children with learning disabilities, and helped the teachers at the school in any way possible. As a group, we were able to organise a sports day for the children, with multiple activities planned with the limited resources we had. We repainted the outer school walls, and the inner walls of their bathrooms, to give the school a newer look. We also built a small greenhouse, from waste plastic bottles collected by the students. On top of this, we taught the children mathematics and English, while having fun with them.

    Assisi Hospice: Caretaker

    I was a caretaker at the Assisi Hospice in Singapore, where I assisted the patients in their everyday needs, and helped the nurses with their tasks. I also took part in drives to pick up and help 5-10 patients arrive at the hospice from their homes.

    WFUNA Global Goals: Participant

    As part of UN Global Goals 3 (Good Health and Well-Being) and 10 (Reduced Inequalities), I worked with a group of my classmates to work on multiple projects. We created an open lunchtime session for meditation, for any of our classmates to drop in and relax if they were stressed. We gave an assembly to our year about a librarian in our school, who faced and overcame difficulties brought upon him due to his learning disabilities, and brought awareness to how people with learning disabilities should be treated equally. Finally, we were able to organise sessions with Rainbow Centre, which operates special education schools in Singapore. We aided the teachers, in teaching, playing with, and taking care of the children at the centre, as it seemed they were understaffed, with 1-2 teachers taking care of an entire classroom of kids.

    Tanglin Model United Nations: Teacher and Event Organiser

    I worked in a team to run regular sessions for younger students at my school, and organise a Junior Model United Nations Event at the end of the year, with 6 different committees, running across 2 days. We had regular meetings for around a year, where we discussed everyone's responsibility in the team, and planned on how and where the event would be run. Click here for the website detailing the event.

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